Story #6: B School with Marie Forleo is the bomb!

Story #6: B School with Marie Forleo is the bomb!

I am participating in B School to refine my business and I am loving it. As a self-help and business junkie who quit her job to do art, this program is awesome for me. I even like the music that plays at the end of the videos. I am not getting paid to make this endorsement, I just really like B school.

Marie Forleo has a great sense of humor, which makes her a joy to watch. B School is also reconnecting me with so many tools and programs that I have used in the past. It was super satisfying to see that I have already completed so much of the work that she asks you to do. A++ for me!

Marie recommends doing the Strengths Finder test. This is something I invested in back in 2014, though I did Kon-Marie the book out of my life (damn it!!!!). Regardless, I found my log in and still have the report online. (update: I found the book! woo hoo!)

Marie also recommends interviewing your friends about what they think your super power is. I did not do this exercise specifically, but I did send out a similar email when I did Scott Dismore’s (RIP) Live Your Legend course. I was even more ecstatic to actually dig up all those emails because they were lost in my old email! All the pieces just fell into place and right back into my lap. It’s so great to review this feedback three years later.

The email survey to friends is particularly heartening. It’s interesting to see how directly people respond through the lens they know you. This makes sense – Duh. Three years ago I was working at San Francisco CrossFit and had considered doing their internship program. I was getting deeply involved in the community and thought a career in physical fitness may be the right path for me. This is reflected extensively from several friends who responded.

The contrast of those who have known me a long time is also incredibly enlightening. My sisters never fail to surprise and encourage me. They reminded me of passions and strengths that I had all but forgotten. One sister brought up my love of animals and my dedication to animal rights throughout my life. The other reminded me of my love for creating deep relationships to share inspiration. This included book groups, counseling programs, and coaching.

As B school progresses, the exercises are getting more challenging. I am really enjoying being able to look back at the work I did several years ago and see how far I have come and how so many of those things are still present in my life or are going to be reintroduced.

I am committed to completing B School by May – so please hold me accountable! Ask me about it! I highly recommend it if you are interested in starting your own business or are looking to give a side project or small business a boost!

Speaking of which, do you run your own business? What business do you run? If you don’t have your own business, but are interested in starting one – which? and why? Would love to hear from you.

Be Brave Homies! Tomorrow is day 7! For one full week of stories.

Thanks for being with me. ❤ XO